1. J.H. Scofield. LLNL, Report UCRI-51326 (1973).
2. X-ray attenuation cross sections for energies 100 eV to 100 keV and elements Z = 1 to Z = 92
3. B.L. Henke, J.C. Davis, E.C. Gullikon, R.C.C. Perera, LBL Report No. LBL-26259 UC-411. 1988.
4. X-Ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92
5. D.C. Creagh, J.H. Hubbel, in: A.J.C. Wilsons (Ed.), International Table for X-ray Crystallography, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1995, Vol. C Sect 4.2.4.