1. Preparation of 26Al AMS standards
2. K. Nishiizumii, in: Proceedings, 9th International AMS Conference, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 2002, p. 130 (abstract only).
3. A cosmogenic nuclide chronology of the last glacial transition in North-West Nelson, New Zealand—new insights in Southern Hemisphere climate forcing during the last deglaciation
4. D. Fink, P. Williams, P. Augustinus, J. Shulmeister, Are glacial chronologies across the southern hemisphere over the past 80ka regionally synchronised? Annual Geological Society of America Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, October 5–10, 2005, 15-5, p. 39.
5. Pleistocene deglaciation chronology of the Amery Oasis and Radok Lake, northern Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica