1. A. de Château-Thierry, Contribution à l'étude expérimentale de l'échange de charges des protons émergeant de cibles solides [Contribution to experimental study of charge exchanges in protons emerging from solid targets], State Doctoral Thesis, Université d'Orsay (Paris XI), 1978
2. Experimental neutral charge fractions in proton beams emerging from solids
3. I. Gollicheff, Contribution à l'étude de la microanalyse par réactions nucléaires [Contribution to the study of microanalysis using nuclear reactions]. Application à la mesure de gradients de concentration superficielle des éléments légers dans les solides [Application to superficial concentration profiles for light elements in solids], Thesis 1972 & report CEA-R-4568, 1974
4. Ch. Engelmann, M. Loeuillet, Isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen by means of a 2 MV Van de Graaff, report CEA-CONF-4486, 1978
5. On the SiO2–OH capacitance low-temperature thermometers