1. F. Atchison, in: G.S. Bauer (Ed.), Proceedings of a Meeting on Targets for Neutron Beam Spallation Sources Jülich, 11–12 June 1979, KfA Jülich report, Jül-Conf-34, 1980, p. 17. ISSN 0344-5798.
2. HETC: A High Energy Transport Code
3. ISIS pulsed neutron & muon source at the CCLRC Rutherford Appleton laboratory, Chilton, UK. .
4. International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, see e.g. .
5. A.V. Ignatyuk, N.T. Kulagin, V.P. Lunev, K.-H. Schmidt, in: Proceedings of the XV Workshop on Physics of Nuclear Fission, Obninsk, 3–6 October 2000, Obninsk, Russia. .