1. Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2035 Near-Infrared Transmission Wavelength Standard from 10,300 to 5130 cm−1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 1999 (http://srmcatalog.nist.gov/).
2. Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2065 UV-Vis, Near-Infrared Transmission Wavelength/Vacuum Wavenumber Standard, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2002 (http://srmcatalog.nist.gov/).
3. S.J. Choquette, L.E. O’Neal, D.L. Duewer, L.M. Hannsen, C. Zhu, Preprint available from authors.
4. Precision in Condensed Phase Vibrational Spectroscopy