1. Nye County Department of Natural Resources and Federal Facilities, Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office, Report NWRPO-2001-04, 2001, 76 pp.
2. R.J. Laczniak, J.C. Cole, D.A. Sawyer, D.A. Trudeau, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resource Investigations Report 96-4109, 1996, 59 pp.
3. I.J. Winograd, W. Thordarson, U.S. Geological Survey Profile Paper 712-C, 1975, 123 pp.
4. W.W. Dudley, J.D. Larson, U.S. Geological Survey Profile Paper 927, 1976, 52 pp.
5. K.G. Jöreskog, J.E. Klovan, R.A. Reyment, Geological Factor Analysis, Elsevier, New York, 1976, 178 pp.