1. S. Balay, W.D. Gropp, L.C. McInnes, B.F. Smith, PETSc Web page, http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc
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3. S. Balay, W.D. Gropp, L.C. McInnes, B.F. Smith, PETSc 2.0 users manual, Technical Report ANL-95/11 – Revision 2.0.24, Argonne National Laboratory, April 1999
4. ADIFOR 2.0: Automatic differentiation of Fortran 77 programs;Bischof;IEEE Computat. Sci. Eng.,1996
5. C. Bischof, A. Griewank, Tools for the automatic differentiation of computer programs, ICIAM/GAMM, Numer. Anal., Scient. Comput., Comput. Sci. 95 (1) (1996) 267–272, (special issue of Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM))