1. Brixham Environmental Laboratory, 2011. In vivo dietary bioaccumulation, fish flow through test for POLYSTAY 100. BR0456/B (Summary available on the Registered Substances pages of the ECHA website, www.echa.europa.eu).
2. Chemex, 2010a. The Estimation of the Adsorption Coefficient (Koc) of DAPD (Polystay 100): Amended Final Report 1, #ENV 9051/011010 AFR1. (Summary available on the Registered Substances pages of the ECHA website, ).
3. Chemex, 2010b. The toxicity to Daphnia magna of DAPD (Polystay 100) as determined by the 21-d reproduction test. Report # ENV 9052. (Summary available on the Registered Substances pages of the ECHA website, ).
4. Chemex, 2010c. The Acute Toxicity of DAPD (Polystay 100) to Chironomus riparius over a 28-d exposure period: Amended Final Report 2. #ENV9053/011010 AFR2. (Summary available on the Registered Substances pages of the ECHA website, ).
5. ECHA, 2008. Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment.