1. Breaks, F.W., Bartlett, J.R., deKemp, E.A., Finamore, P.F., Jones, G.R., Macdonald, A.J., Shields, H.N., Wallace, H., 1984. Opapimiskan Lake project: Precambrian geology, Quaternary geology, and mineral deposits of the North Caribou Lake belt, District of Kenora, Patricia Portion. In: John, W., Owen, L.W., Barlow, R.B., Colvine, A.C. (Eds.), Summary of Field Work 1984. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 119, pp. 258–273.
2. Breaks, F.W., Bartlett, J.R., Osmani, I.A., Finamore, P.F., Wallace, H., 1985. Opapimiskan lake project: Precambrian and Quaternary geology of the North Caribou Lake Area, District of Kenora, Patricia Portion. In: John, W., Owen, L.W., Barlow, R.B., Colvine, A.C. (Eds.), Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1985. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 126, pp. 268–276.
3. Breaks, F.W., Osmani, I.A., deKemp, E.A., 1986. Opapimiskan Lake project: Precambrian geology of the Opapimiskan–Forester Lakes area, District of Kenora, Patricia Portion. In: Thurston, P.C., Owen L.W., Barlow, R.B., Cherry, M.E., Colvine, A.C. (Eds.), Summary of Field Work and other Activities, 1986. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 132, pp. 368–378.
4. Breaks, F.W., Osmani, I.A., deKemp, E.A., 1987. Precambrian Geology of the Opapimiskan-Neawagank Lakes Area, Western Part (Opapimiskan Lake Project), Kenora District (Patricia Portion). Ontario Geological Survey, Map P. 3080. Geological Series – Preliminary Map, scale 1:31 680, Geology 1986.
5. Breaks, F.W., Bartlett, E.A., deKemp, E.A., Osmani, I.A., 1991. Geology of the Doubtful-Akow Lakes Area, District of Kenora. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5795, 131 p.