1. Underground Injection Control Permit Applications for FutureGen 2.0 Morgan County Class VI UIC Wells 1, 2, 3 and 4–Supporting Documentation;FutureGen Alliance,2013
2. Results of Three Component VSP Acquisition at the FutureGen 2.0 Site Morgan County, Illinois 13th Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference (CCUS), Pittsburg, PA;Sullivan,2014
3. Application of Three Component VSP Technology at Seismically Difficult Sites: An Example from the FutureGen 2. 0 Site, GHGT12 this issue;Sullivan,2014
4. Borehole Completion and Characterization Summary Report for the Stratigraphic Well, PNWD-4343 report;Kelley,2012
5. Results from the In-Situ Stress Characterization Program, Phase 1: Geomechanical Tests Conducted in the FutureGen Stratigraphic Well (FGA#1) (FG-02-RPT-0009);Cornet,2014