1. J Arrillaga, “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”, 2nd edition, IET 1998.
2. Working Group on HVDC and FACTS Bibliography and Records, IEEE DC and Flexible AC Transmission Subcommittee “HVDC Projects Listing”, July 2009, http://www.ece.uidaho.edu/hvdcfacts/Projects/HVDCProjectsListingJuly2009-existing.pdf.
3. LL, Livermore, Jun Liang, and J Ekanayake, “MTDC VSC Technology and its applications for Wind Power”, Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2010.
4. P Jones, Presentation slides, “HVDC –Enabling the Transition to an Energy System based on Renewables“, IET ACDC Conference, 2010.
5. Siemens,”HVDC PLUS – Basics and Principle of Operation“, Siemens, 2008.