1. Samsung S7.0-171 7 MW. http://www.4coffshore.com/windfarms/turbine-samsung-heavy-industries-s7.0-171-tid37.html, accessed on 16 January 2014.
2. Vestas V164-8.0 MW. http://www.vestas.com/en/products_and_services/offshore#!joint-venture, accessed on 16 January 2014.
3. Enercon E-126 7.5 MW. http://www.windpowermonthly.com/article/1194352/enercon-looks-new-e-126-75mw-prototype, accessed on 16 January 2014.
4. NOWITECH reference turbine 10 MW. http://www.ntnu.edu/research/offshore-energy/wind-turbine, accessed on 16 January 2014.
5. Dahlhaug OG, et al. Specification of the NOWITECH 10 MW Reference Wind Turbine, Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology; 2012.