1. www.bigccs.no.
2. IEA Technology Roadmap 2009 Carbon capture and storage, http://www.iea.org/papers/2009/CCS_Roadmap.pdf.
3. G. Tangen, M.J. Mølnvik, N.A. Røkke, BIGCO2 R&D Platform–Breakthrough CCS technologies enabling large scale CO2 chains, to be presented (oral) at GHGT-10, 2010.
4. H.M. Kvamsdal, A. Chikukwa, M. Hillestad, Validation of a dynamic absorber model for CO2 capture, presentation at the 9th World Congress of Computational Mechanics–WCCM, in Australia, July 19–23, 2010.
5. Y. Larring, M.-L. Fontaine, P.I. Dahl, P.P. Henriksen, R. Bredesen, Hydrogen transport membranes for pre-combustion gas separation, to be presented (poster) at GHGT10, 2010.