1. EINSTEIN (Effective INtegration of Seasonal Thermal Energy storage systems IN existing buildings), project duration 01.01.2012-31.12.2015, Grant No.: FP7-2011-NMP-ENVENERGY-ICT-EeB, additional information: http://www.einstein-project.eu/.
2. 1to10 (Development, testing and demonstration of a sustainable, standardized solar-geothermal heat supply concept), project duration 01.12.2014-31.12.2015, Grant No.: BWE15001, additional information: http://www.fachdokumente.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/is/113800/?COMMAND=DisplayBericht&FIS=203&OBJECT=113800&MODE=METADATA.
3. Gohl N, Bauer D, Drück, H. 1to10 – A cost-effective heat supply concept with low primary energy consumption for multi-family houses and small residential areas. SHC 2015, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Istanbul.