1. 3tips on using Pareto for Supply Chain. http://supplychain-mechanic.com/?p=221 (accessed 7 September 2020).
2. 7VIEWPOINTS ON S&OP IMPLEMENTATION. https://implementconsultinggroup.com/7-viewpoints-on-sop-implementation/ (accessed 7 September 2020).
3. A Framework for Sales and Operations Planning in Process Industries. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:717998/fulltext01.pdf1667 (accessed 7 September 2020).
4. Case Study: The Benefits of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP). https://www.supplyvelocity.com/the-benefits-of-sales-operationsplanning-sop/ (accessed 7 September 2020).
5. How the Pareto method (20 by 80) is used to decide on the placement of goods in the warehouse. https://edu.logistics-gr.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1508&catid=27&Itemid=31 (accessed 9 September 2020).