1. Air Transport Group, 2002, Study on Competition between Airports and the Application of State Aid Rules, Final Report Volume 1; School of Engineering, Cranfield University; September 2002.
2. Andrew, H.R.; Bailey, R., 1996, The contribution of airports to regional economic development, PTRC; European Transport Forum, Brunel University.
3. Boon, B.H., Wit, R.C.N., 2005, The Contribution of Aviation to the Economy: Assessment of Arguments put Forward, Report 05.7997.35, CE Solutions for Environment, Economy and Technology, Delft.
4. Communication from the Commission, 2014, Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines (2014/C 99/03); 4.4.2014.
5. Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1084 of 14 June 2017; amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 as regards aid for port and airport infrastructure, notification thresholds for aid for culture and heritage conservation and for aid for sport and multifunctional recreational infrastructures, and regional operating aid schemes for outermost regions and amending Regulation (EU) No 702/2014 as regards the calculation of eligible costs.