1. EN 13231-5, 2018. Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works - Part 5: Procedures for rail reprofiling in plain line, switches, crossings and expansion devices.
2. EN 13674-1, 2011. Railway applications - Track - Rail - Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above.
3. INF TSI, 2011. Technical Specification for Interoperability - Subsystem Infrastructure.
4. Innotrack, 2006. Definitive guidelines on the use of different rail grades. Project No. TIP5-CT-2006-031415, Deliverable report D4.1.5GL. http://www.charmec.chalmers.se/innotrack/deliverables/sp4/d415-f3-railgrade_selection.pdf
5. IRS 70712. Rail Defects, 2018.