1. Department of PsychiatryTaipei City Psychiatric CenterTaipei City HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
2. Department of EpidemiologyHarvard T. H. Chan School of Public HealthBostonMAUSA
3. Icelandic Heart AssociationKopavogurIceland
4. Faculty of MedicineUniversity of IcelandReykjavikIceland
5. Department of BiostatisticsHarvard T. H. Chan School of Public HealthBostonMAUSA
6. Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics UnitCenter for Genomic MedicineMassachusetts General HospitalBostonMAUSA
7. Department of PsychiatryMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA
8. Stanley Center for Psychiatric ResearchBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardCambridgeMAUSA
9. Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population SciencesNational Institute of AgeingNational Institutes of HealthBethesdaMDUSA
10. Gerontology Research UnitMassachusetts General HospitalBostonMAUSA