Assessment of cognition in early dementia


Silverberg Nina B.1,Ryan Laurie M.1,Carrillo Maria C.2,Sperling Reisa34,Petersen Ronald C.5,Posner Holly B.6,Snyder Peter J.78,Hilsabeck Robin910,Gallagher Michela11,Raber Jacob12,Rizzo Albert13,Possin Katherine14,King Jonathan15,Kaye Jeffrey16,Ott Brian R.17,Albert Marilyn S.18,Wagster Molly V.1,Schinka John A.1920,Cullum C. Munro21,Farias Sarah T.22,Balota David23,Rao Stephen24,Loewenstein David25,Budson Andrew E.2627,Brandt Jason28,Manly Jennifer J.29,Barnes Lisa30313233,Strutt Adriana34,Gollan Tamar H.35,Ganguli Mary3637,Babcock Debra38,Litvan Irene39,Kramer Joel H.14,Ferman Tanis J.40


1. Division of NeuroscienceNational Institute on Aging, National Institutes of HealthBethesdaMDUSA

2. Alzheimer's AssociationChicagoILUSA

3. Department of NeurologyCenter for Alzheimer Research and Treatment, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA

4. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA

5. Department of NeurologyMayo ClinicRochesterMNUSA

6. PfizerNew YorkNYUSA

7. Rhode Island Hospital, Alpert Medical School of Brown UniversityProvidenceRIUSA

8. Department of NeurologyAlpert Medical School of Brown UniversityProvidenceRIUSA

9. Department of PsychiatryUniversity of Texas Health Science CenterSan AntonioTXUSA

10. Psychology Service, South Texas Veterans Health Care SystemSan AntonioTXUSA

11. Department of Psychological and Brain SciencesJohns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreMDUSA

12. Division of Neuroscience, Department of Behavioral Neuroscience and NeurologyONPRC, Oregon Health and Science UniversityPortlandORUSA

13. Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern CaliforniaPlaya VistaCAUSA

14. Department of NeurologyUniversity of CaliforniaSan FranciscoCAUSA

15. Division of Behavioral and Social ResearchNational Institute on Aging, National Institutes of HealthBethesdaMDUSA

16. Departments of Neurology and Biomedical EngineeringLayton Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Center, Oregon Center for Aging and Technology, Oregon Health and Science University and Portland Veteran's Affairs Medical CenterPortlandORUSA

17. Department of CognitiveLinguistic and Psychological Sciences, Brown UniversityProvidenceRIUSA

18. Department of NeurologyJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimoreMDUSA

19. James A. Haley VA Medical CenterTampaFLUSA

20. Department of PsychiatryUniversity of South FloridaTampaFLUSA

21. University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDallasTXUSA

22. Department of NeurologyUniversity of CaliforniaDavisSacramentoCAUSA

23. Department of PsychologyWashington UniversitySt. LouisMOUSA

24. Schey Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Neurological Institute, Cleveland ClinicClevelandOHUSA

25. Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders, Mount Sinai Medical CenterMiami BeachFLUSA

26. Department of NeurologyBoston University Alzheimer's Disease Center, Boston University School of MedicineBedfordMAUSA

27. Center for Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center, Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans HospitalBedfordMAUSA

28. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimoreMDUSA

29. Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Columbia University Medical CenterNew YorkNYUSA

30. Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical CenterChicagoILUSA

31. Department of Neurological SciencesRush University Medical CenterChicagoILUSA

32. Department of Behavioral SciencesRush University Medical CenterChicagoILUSA

33. Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, Rush University Medical CenterChicagoILUSA

34. Baylor College of MedicineHoustonTXUSA

35. Department of PsychiatryUniversity of CaliforniaSan DiegoCAUSA

36. Departments of Psychiatry and NeurologySchool of Medicine, University of PittsburghPittsburghPAUSA

37. Department of EpidemiologyGraduate School of Public Health, University of PittsburghPittsburghPAUSA

38. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of HealthBethesdaMDUSA

39. Division of Movement Disorders, Department of NeurologyUniversity of LouisvilleLouisvilleKYUSA

40. Department of Psychiatry and PsychologyMayo Clinic, College of MedicineJacksonvilleFLUSA




Psychiatry and Mental health,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Geriatrics and Gerontology,Clinical Neurology,Developmental Neuroscience,Health Policy,Epidemiology







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