1. Y. Bar-Hillel, M. Perles, E. Shamir, On formal properties of simple phrase-structure grammars, Z. Phonetik, Sprachwiss. Kommunikationsforsch. 14 (1961) 143–172. Reprinted as Chapter 9 in Y. Bar-Hillel: Language and Information, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964, pp. 116–150.
2. NTS languages are deterministic and congruential;Boasson;J. Comput. System Sci.,1985
3. The inclusion problem for simple languages;Friedman;Theoret. Comput. Sci.,1976
4. Superdeterministic DPDAs;Friedman;J. Comput. System Sci.,1979
5. Deterministic context-free languages;Ginsburg;Inform. and Control,1966