1. U.S. General Accounting Office. VA health care for women, progress made in providing services to women veterans. Washington, DC. Pub. No. GAO/HEHS-99-38, 1999
2. U.S. General Accounting Office. VA health care for women: despite progress, improvements needed. Washington, DC. Pub. No. GAO/HRD-94-93, 1992
3. U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Summary File (Table P39). http://factfinder.census.gov, accessed October 24, 2002
4. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Women Veterans Health Program National Strategic Work Group: Preliminary strategic plan. Washington, DC.: Women Veterans Health Program, February 2002
5. Department of Veterans Affairs. Office of the Actuary, VetPop2000. htp://www.virec.research.med.va.gov/VETPOP2000%20MODEL/VETPOP2000 INTRO.HTM, accessed April 16, 2002