1. China statistical yearbook 2006,2006
2. OECD/IEA (International Energy Agency). World energy outlook 2006. Paris, 2006.
3. National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Introduction on China's iron and steel sector production in 2006. February 2007. See: http://www.ndrc.gov.cn/cyfz/hxfx/t20070206_115966.htm〉.
4. World Energy Council (WEC). World Energy Council Statement 2006—Energy efficiencies: pipe-dream or reality? London, 2006. See also: 〈http://www.worldenergy.org/wec-geis/global/downloads/statements/stat2006.pdf〉.
5. Realizing energy conservation target in 11th five year: challenges and strategies in industry, report,2006