1. EEA. Greenhouse gas emission trends in Europe, 1990–2000. Prepared by: Gugele B, Ritter M, Mareèková K. European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change. Project manager: Jol A. EEA: 2003.
2. Directive 31/1999/CE . See also: 〈http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/en/index.htm〉.
3. Integrated solid waste management. Engineering, principles and management issues;Tchobanoglous,1993
4. Gas production from landfill;Tabasaran,1981
5. Iannelli R, Galea M, Moreno A. Application of molten carbonate fuel cells in the exploitation of landfill gas. A case study in Southern Italy. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2003, ninth international waste management and landfill symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 6–10 October 2003.