1. Chapman J, Hess SM. Risk-informed, technology-neutral design and licensing framework for new nuclear plants. In: ANS PSA 2008 topical meeting—challenges to PSA during the nuclear renaissance, Knoxville, TN, September 7–11, 2008.
2. US NRC. Federal Register, 51 FR 30028. Safety goals for the operations of nuclear power plants, August 21, 1986.
3. US NRC. Federal Register, policy statement on use of probabilistic risk assessment methods in nuclear regulatory activities, Final Policy Statement, August 16, vol. 60(158), 1995. p. 42622–9.
4. US NRC. Generic letter GL88020. Individual plant examination for severe accident vulnerabilities, November 23, 1988.
5. US NRC. SECY-98-144. White paper on risk-informed and performance-based regulation, January 22, 1998. Staff requirements memorandum approved March 1, 1999.