1. Collin, B., 1997. The Future of Cyberterrorism, Crime and Justice International, March 1997, pp.15–18.
2. Crenshaw, M. 1999. How Terrorism Ends. US Institute of Peace working group report, May 1999.
3. Denning, D., “Cyberterrorism”, Testimony before the Special Oversight Panel of Terrorism Committee on Armed Services, US House of Representatives, 23 May 2000. (http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/∼denning/infosec/cyberterror.html)
4. DOC, 2002. US Department of Commerce, Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730–774. Sections 740.13, 740.17 and 742.15 are the principal references for the export of encryption items.
5. DOD, 2002. Department of Defense Education Activity Internal Physical Security. Department of Defense. DoDEA Regulatoin 4700.2