1. C.C. Rankin, F.A. Brogan, W.A. Loden, H.D. Cabiness, STAGS User Manual — Version 4.0, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co., Inc., Palo Alto, CA, Report No. LMSC P032594, 2000.
2. B.J. Hurlbut, B.P. Stehlin, Computational mechanics testbed (COMET) generic constitutive processor manual, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, Contract Report No. F318484, 1991.
3. D.W. Sleight, Progressive failure analysis of laminated composite structures, MS Thesis, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 1996. Also available as NASA TP-1999-209107, 1999.
4. D.W. Sleight, N.F. Knight Jr., J.T. Wang, Evaluation of a progressive failure analysis methodology for laminated composite structures, AIAA Paper No. 97-1187, 1997.
5. N.F. Knight Jr., Further enhancement of STAGS progressive failure capability, Veridian MRJ Technology Solutions, Final Report to NASA Langley Research Center under GSA Contract No. GS-35F-4503G, Task 1417, 2000.