1. Seventh ICES intercalibration exercise on trace metals in biological tissue—part 1 (7/TM/BT-1), 1983;Berman,1986
2. Sixth ICES intercalibration exercise on trace metals in sea water (6/TM/SW), 1986;Berman,1988
3. ICES fifth round intercalibration for trace metals in sea water (5/TM/SW): round robin intercalibration for cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, iron and manganese;Berman,1986
4. Fourth ICES intercalibration exercise for trace metals in sea water (4/TM/SW), 1978;Bewers,1981
5. Baltic sediment intercalibration exercise, step 1: intercomparison of analyses of reference samples ABSS and MBSS, 1985. Step 2: intercomparison of analyses of sliced wet cores, 1984;Brugmann,1987