1. Ivan I., Doinea M., Ciurea C., Sbora C., Collaborative Informatics Security in Distributed Systems, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 11, Volume 11, November 2012, E-ISSN 2224-2678.
2. Ivan I., Ciurea C., Doinea M., Avramiea A., Collaborative Management of Risks and Complexity in Banking Systems, Informatica Economică Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2/2012, INFOREC Publishing House, ISSN 1453-1305.
3. Ivan I., Ciurea C., Doinea M., Collaborative Virtual Organizations in Knowledge-based Economy, Informatica Economică Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1/2012, INFOREC Publishing House, ISSN 1453-1305.
4. Ivan I., Ciurea C., Security Aspects of Collaborative Banking Systems Applied in Economy, Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2011, ISSN 2067-4074.
5. Ciurea C., Using Genetic Algorithms for Building Metrics of Collaborative Systems, Informatica Economică Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1/2011, INFOREC Publishing House, ISSN 1453-1305.