1. The OpenWall Group. John the Ripper password cracker software, available at http://www.openwall.com, 2015.
2. Mao. Cain and Able software, available at http://www.oxid.it, 2015.
3. L0pht Heavy Industries. L0phtCrack Password Cracker software, available at http://www.l0phtcrack.com/, 2016.
4. ElcomSoft company. ElcomSoft Distributed Password Recovery software, available at http://www.elcomsoft.com/products.html, 2016.
5. Grunschlag Z. Cryptanalysis with WebCrypt slides, Slides available at http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/∼zeph/software/webcrypt/webcryptan-alysis.pdf, Columbia University, 2010.