1. Pavel Anistratov and Yuriy Golobokov. Analysis of possibilies of creating of a distributed control system based on real-time OC Linux/Xenomai. XX International Conference of Students and Young Scientists: modern techniques and technology, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, pages 139-140, 2014. http://portal.tpu.ru/files/conferences/ctt/proceedings/2014/vol2_2014.pdf.
2. Gilles Chanteperdrix. Building debian packages. http://xenomai.org/2014/06/building-debian-packages/, last viewed July 2015, 2014.
3. Philippe Gerum and Various Contributors. Xenomai-help ext. interrupt with posix skin from user space. http://www.xenomai.org/pipermail/xenomai/2011-January/022523.html, last viewed July 2015, 2011.
4. Jan Kiszka. Irqbench(1) manual page. http://www.xenomai.org/documentation/xenomai-head/html/irqbench/, last viewed July 2015, 2014.
5. Harco Kuppens. Real-time linux (xenomai) exercise 9: Interrupt service routines. http://www.cs.ru.nl/lab/xenomai/exercises/ex09/Exercise-9.html, last viewed July 2015, 2011.