1. The subsistence level has lost its meaning: Sokolovskaya told how to increase social benefits, https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-society/2840567-prozitkovij-minimum-vtrativ-sens-sokolovska-rozpovila-ak-pidvisiti-socviplati.html (In Ukrainian)
2. Another 250 billion is needed by the Ministry of Finance to raise the subsistence level to the actual level. Ukrinform, https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-economy/3196283-dla-pidvisenna-prozitkovogo-minimumu-do-fakticnogo-rivna-treba-se-250-milardiv-minfin.html (In Ukrainian)
3. Transfer of district medical facilities to communal ownership of communities: the task of maintaining a viable network of health care facilities, https://decentralization.gov.ua/news/13096 (In Ukrainian)
4. Project of National Strategy for Building a New Health Care System in Ukraine for the Period 2015-2025, Pharmacy, 2014. (In Ukrainian)
5. Digital economy and society statistics – enterprises. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Digital_economy_and_society_statistics_-_enterprises