1. Abe A.: The Role of Abduction in IMDJ, Proc. of IJCAI2015 International Workshop on Chance Discovery, Data Synthesis and Data Market, pp. 59-64 (2015)
2. Abe A.: The Role of Context in Abductive Reasoning and Context Retrieval from Clauses –towards IMDJ, Proc. of ICDM2015 Wowkshop on MoDAT, pp. 680-686 (2015)
3. Akinori Abe: On the logical and ontological treatment of IMDJ data, Proc. of ECAI2016 2nd European Workshop on Chance Discovery and Data Synthesis, pp. 33-38 (2016)
4. Jean-Yves Béziau: The future of paraconsistent logic, http://wwwa.unine.ch/unilog/jyb/future-pl.pdf