1. M. Bourrel, et al., The common heritage of mankind as a means to assess and advance equity in deep sea mining, in: Marine Policy (2016).
2. Equity;Dinah,2007
3. More details of the categories and membership of the voting chambers can be found here: International Seabed Authority, ‘The Council’: https://www.isa.org.jm/authority/council/members & International Seabed Authority, ‘Structure and Mandate of the Council’: 〈https://www.isa.org.jm/authority/council/structure-and-mandate〉.
4. International Seabed Authority, Report of the Secretary-General: Rules, Regulations and Procedures on the Equitable Sharing of Financial and other Economic Benefits Derived from Activities in the Area, ISBA 24/FC/4 (18 May 2018): https://isa.org.jm/files/files/documents/isba24-fc4-en.pdf; International Seabed Authority, Report of the Secretary-General: Summary on Options for a Seabed Sustainability Fund, ISBA/26/FC/8. 〈https://isa.org.jm/files/files/documents/ISBA_26_FC_8–2104419E.pdf〉. (Accessed 25 March 2021); International Seabed Authority, Technical Study 31 (‘TS31′): Equitable Sharing of Financial and Other Economic Benefits from Deep Seabed Mining. https://www.isa.org.jm/node/20583. (Accessed 17 May 2022).
5. International Seabed Authority, Report of the Finance Committee: Development of rules, regulations and procedures on the equitable sharing of financial and other economic benefits derived from activities in the Area pursuant to Section 9, paragraph 7 (f), of the annex to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, ISBA/26/A/24–ISBA/26/C/39. 〈https://isa.org.jm/files/files/documents/ISBA_26_A_24–2109788E.pdf〉. (Accessed 26 July 2021).