1. Atkins, J.P., Burdon, D., this volume. An initial economic evaluation of water quality improvements in the Randers Fjord, Denmark. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
2. Aubry, A., Elliott, M., this volume. The use of Environmental Integrative Indicators to assess seabed disturbance in estuaries and coasts: application to the Humber Estuary, UK. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
3. Boyes, S.J., Elliott, M., this volume. Organic matter and nutrient inputs to the Humber Estuary, England. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
4. Castro, H., Ramalheira, F., Quintino, V., Rodrigues, A.M., this volume. Amphipod acute and chronic sediment toxicity assessment in estuarine environmental monitoring: an example from Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
5. Dauvin, J.C., Desroy, N., Janson, A.L., Vallet, C., Duhamel, S., this volume. Recent changes in estuarine benthic and suprabenthic communities resulting from the development of harbour infrastructure. Marine Pollution Bulletin.