1. EWEA. The European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2012. 31 pp.; 2013. Available from: 〈http://www.ewea.org/fileadmin/files/library/publications/statistics/European_offshore_statistics_2012.pdf〉.
2. Danish Energy Authority. Offshore Wind Farms and the Environment—Danish Experiences from Horns Rev and Nysted, 42 pp.; 2006. ISBN: 87-7844-620-1. Available from: 〈http://www.nrgenergy.com/pdf/bww/havvindm_korr_16nov_UK.pdf〉.
3. DONG Energy, Vattenfall, Danish Energy Authority and Danish Forest and Nature Agency. Danish Offshore Wind. Key Environmental Issues. 143 pp.; 2006. ISBN: 87-7844-625-2. Available from: 〈〉.
4. Danish Energy Agency. Danish Offshore Wind. Key Environmental Issues – a Follow-up. The Environmental Group: The Danish Energy Agency, The Danish Nature Agency, DONG Energy and Vattenfall, 101 pp.; 2013. ISBN: 978-87-7844-979-5. Available from: 〈http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/images/6/69/Danish_Energy_Agency_2013.pdf〉.
5. Danish Energy Authority. Offshore Wind Power – Danish Experiences and Solutions, 33 pp.; 2005. ISBN: 87-7844-560-4. Available from: 〈http://www.offshore-wind.de/page/fileadmin/offshore/documents/Offshore-Projekte/Offshore_Windpower-_Danish_Experiences_and_Solutions.pdf〉.