1. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Montego Bay; 10 December 1982. In force 16 November 1994, 1833 UNTS 397.
2. Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; 10 December 1982, A/RES/48/263, annex.
3. ISBA/18/C/22.
4. Regulations on prospecting and exploration for polymetallic nodules in the Area, 13 July 2000. ISBA/6/A/18, annex, 13 July 2000.
5. Regulations on prospecting and exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area, ISBA/16/A/12/Rev.1, 7 May 2010, available at 〈http://www.isa.org.jm/files/documents/EN/Regs/PolymetallicSulphides.pdf〉.