1. [CSD] City of San Diego, 2013a. Annual Receiving Waters Monitoring Report for the Point Loma Ocean Outfall 2012. City of San Diego, Ocean Monitoring Program, 120 pages+Appendices. www.sandiego.gov/mwwd/pdf/pl2012_fullrpt.pdf
2. [CSD] City of San Diego, 2013b. Annual Receiving Waters Monitoring Report for the South Bay Ocean Outfall (South Bay Water Reclamation Plant) 2012. City of San Diego, Ocean Monitoring Program, (164 pages+Appendices). www.sandiego.gov/mwwd/pdf/sbwrp_2012_fullrpt_rev.pdf
3. South Bay Ocean Outfall Annual Receiving Waters Monitoring and Assessment Report, 2014;[CSD] City of San Diego,2015
4. Environmental Impact Statement for San Diego (LA-5) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Site Designation;[EPA] US Environmental Protection Agency,1987