1. Novel coronavirus disease named COVID-19. Available at: http://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019. . Date of access:2020/3/6..
2. Japanese cruise ship ‘Diamond Princess’ adds 6 confirmed cases. Available at: http://ocean.china.com.cn/2020-02/10/content_75689541.htm. . Date of access:2020/3/6..
3. X.J.Xing, ‘Diamond Princess’ confirmed case surges to 135, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yiyi Wei: It is difficult to check the virus of the remaining personnel. Available at: https://world.huanqiu.com/article/3wyue8jJKDG. Date of access:2020/3/6..
4. ‘Diamond Princess’ adds 39 new cases confirmed by 1 quarantine officer infected. Available at: https://www.mct.gov.cn/whzx/qgwhxxlb/sh/201908/t20190805_845514.htm. Date of access:2020/3/6..
5. L.Z.Li, 44 novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were added to the ‘Diamond Princess’ cruise ship, and 218 cases were confirmed on the cruise ship. Available at::https://3w.huanqiu.com/a/c36dc8/9CaKrnKplNM?p=2&agt=8. . Date of access:2020/3/6..