1. Innovative Redesign and Reorganization of Library Technical Services Paths for the Future and Case Studies, edited by Bradford Lee Eden (Libraries Unlimited Westport, 2004), p. 480; Kathleen L. Wells, “Hard Times in Technical Services: How Do Academic Libraries Manages? A Survey,” Technical Services Quarterly 21 (4) (2004): 17–30, Available at: http://www.haworthpress.com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/store/E-Text/View_EText.asp?sid=5SA5DBCMR6F19J87PUWS885REB055TB0&a=4&s=J124&v=21&i=4&fn=J124v21n04%255F02 (Accessed June 8, 2006); Karen Calhoun, “Technology, Productivity and Change in Library Technical Services,” Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 27 (3) (Autumn 2003): 281–9, Available at: http://journals.ohiolink.edu.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/local-cgi/send-pdf/060502133946493345.pdf
2. “Levels of cataloguing treatment applied by the National Library of Canada” (Revised August 2003), Available at: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/6/17/s17-201-e.html (Accessed June 8, 2006); “LC to implement Core Level Cataloging,” Available at: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/corelev.html (Accessed June 8, 2006); “Definition of Cataloging Levels,” Available at: (Accessed June 8, 2006).
3. “The Changing Nature of the Catalog and its Integration with Other Discovery Tools: Final Report” prepared for the Library of Congress by Karen Calhoun, Cornell University Library (March 2006): 52, Available at: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/calhoun-report-final.pdf (Accessed June 8, 2006); Deanna B. Marcum, “Future of Cataloging” Library Resources and Technical Services 50 (1) (January 2006): 5–9, Available at: http://wilsontxt.hwwilson.com/pdffull/01866/zg4ee/8sb.pdf (Accessed June 8, 2006); “Rethinking How We Provide Bibliographic Services for the University of California: Final Report” (December 2005): 80, Available at: http://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/sopag/BSTF/Final.pdf (Accessed June 8, 2006); “A White Paper on the Future of Cataloging at Indiana University” (January 2006), Available at: http://www.iub.edu/~libtserv/pub/Future_of_Cataloging_White_Paper.doc (Accessed June 8, 2006); North Carolina State Libraries, “NCSU Libraries Unveils Revolutionary, Endeca-Powered Online Catalog,” News Release (January 2006), Available at: http://www.ncsu.edu/news/press_releases/06_01/007.htm (Accessed June 8, 2006).
4. Steve Coffman, “Building Earth's Largest Library: Driving into the Future,” Searcher 7 (3) (March 1999), pp. 34, 12.
5. Mark E. Napier and Kathleen A. Smith, “Earths Largest Library–Panacea or Anathema? A Socio-Technical Analysis: A detailed critique of Coffman's proposal” (May 2000), Available at: http://rkcsi.indiana.edu/archive/CSI/WP/wp00-02B.html (Accessed June 8, 2006).