1. Alan Bailin and Ann Grafstein, From Place to Function: Academic Libraries in 2012. Online (2003). Available: http://alpha.fdu.edu/~marcum/bailin_grafstein.doc (Accessed November 16, 2004).
2. “Brief History of Library Instruction in the United States”;Lorenzen;Illinois Libraries,2001
3. Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education: Eligibility Requirements and Standards for Accreditation (Philadelphia: Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2002). Available: http://www.msache.org/msache/content/pdf_files/characteristicsbook.pdf (Accessed November 16, 2004).
4. See Shawn V. Lombardo & Cynthia E. Miree, “Caught in the Web: The Impact of Library Instruction on Business Students' Perceptions and Use of Print and Online Resources,” College & Research Libraries 64 (2003): 6–22; James Rettig, “Old Borders, New Borders, Bridges, and New Relationships: Transforming Academic Reference Service,” College & Research Libraries News 63 (2002): 790–793; and Peggy Seiden, Kris Szymborski & Barbara Norelli, “Undergraduate Students in the Digital Library: Information Seeking Behavior in an Heterogeneous Environment” Online (1997). Paper presented at the 1997 ACRL National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. Available: http://www.ala.org/ala/acrlbucket/nashville1997pap/seidenszymborski.htm (Accessed November 16, 2004).
5. Lanell Rabner and Suzanne Lorimer, Definitions of Reference Service: A Chronological Bibliography. Online. (2002). Prepared for the RUSA Evaluation of Reference and User Services Committee, Available: http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/mouss/moussection/mousscomm/evaluationofref/refdefbibrev.pdf (Accessed November 16, 2004).