1. A vast literature exists concerning campus planning that includes instructions and guideline books as well as descriptions of campus history and development. For example: MIT campus planning, 1960-2000: an annotated chronology campus planning and design, Schmertz, Mildred F, campus: an American planning tradition MIT campus planning, 1960-2000: an annotated chronology.
2. Anon, n.d. The Tel Aviv University campus will be inaugurated today in a solemn ceremony,1964
3. Anon, n.d. Interview with architect Moshe Gil, 11.2.2019.
4. Anon, n.d. The library is named after the minister of education, Zalman Aran, who promoted the establishment of the university.
5. Anon, n.d. In 1975 Sharon’s office proposed an extension to the library from the rare south-east façade, which was never realized. Sharon’s Architecture Office drawings, AES-1-038, Azrieli Architectural Archive.