1. For examples, see Vogel Library at Wartburg College, Curriculum Map of the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Online. (2003), http://public.wartburg.edu/library/infolit/currmap.html; University of Connecticut Libraries, Information Literacy: Program and Desired Outcomes. Online. (2005), http://webapps.lib.uconn.edu/Outcomes; and University of Louisville Libraries, Integration of Information Literacy at UofL: Working Document of the University Libraries Information Literacy Team. Online. (2001), http://www.louisville.edu/infoliteracy/infolitoutcomes.htm.
2. Project SAILS, Project SAILS Skill Sets. Online. (2005), http://sails.lms.kent.edu/plans/skillsets.html.
3. Educational Testing Service, Succeeding in the 21st Century: What Higher Education Must Do to Address the Gap in Information and Communication Technology Proficiencies. Online. (2003), http://www.ets.org/ictliteracy/ICTwhitepaperfinal.pdf.
4. Association of College and Research Libraries e-Learning Seminars, Assessing Student Learning Outcomes. Online. (2005), http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlproftools/assessingstudent.htm; and Association of College and Research Libraries e-Learning Seminars, Information Literacy and Assessment. Online. (2005), http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlproftools/informationliteracy.htm.
5. For example, Marjorie M. Warmkessel and Joseph M. McCade, “Integrating Information Literacy Into the Curriculum,” Research Strategies15 (Spring 1997): 80–88; Patrick Ragains, “Infusing Information Literacy Into the Core Curriculum: A Pilot Project at the University of Nevada, Reno,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 1 (Oct. 2001): 391–407; Joan Parks and Dana Hendrix, “Integrating Library Instruction Into the Curriculum Through Freshman Symposium,” Reference Services Review 21 (Spring 1996): 65–71.