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2. Gregory DL, Smallwood DO, Coleman RG, Nusser MA. Experimental studies to investigate damping in frictional shear joints. In: Proceedings of the 70th shock and vibration symposium, 1999.
3. Lobitz DL, Gregory DL, Smallwood DO. Comparison of finite element predictions to measurements from the sandia microslip experiment. In: Proceedings of international modal analysis conference, 2001.
4. Smallwood DO. Gregory DL, Coleman RG. Damping investigation of a simplified frictional shear joint. In: Proceedings of the 71th shock and vibration symposium, 2000.
5. Smallwood DO, Gregory DL, Coleman RG. A three parameter constitutive model for a joint which exhibits a power law relationship between loss and relative displacement. In: Proceedings of the 72th shock and vibration symposium, 2001.