A cost model for the economic evaluation of in-situ monitoring tools in metal additive manufacturing


Colosimo Bianca Maria,Cavalli Simona,Grasso Marco



EIT Raw Materials

LIS4.0 Project

Department of Mechanical Enginering


Elsevier BV


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Management Science and Operations Research,Economics and Econometrics,General Business, Management and Accounting

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2. Evaluating the cost competitiveness of metal additive manufacturing – A case study with metal material extrusion;CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology;2023-10

3. Innovation management of three-dimensional printing (3DP) technology: Disclosing insights from existing literature and determining future research streams;Technological Forecasting and Social Change;2023-08

4. A layerwise monitoring methodology based on blue laser line profilometer for Material Extrusion processes;The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology;2023-07-13

5. Leather industry and sustainable materials-Cost-Benefit Analysis;2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe);2023-06-06








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