1. T. Alsinet and L. Godo. A complete calculus for possibilistic logic programming with fuzzy propositional variables. In Proc. of UAI'2000 Conference, pp. 1–10, Stanford, CA, 2000.
2. T. Alsinet and L. Godo. A complete proof method for possibilistic logic programming with semantical unification of fuzzy constants. In Proc. of ESTYLF'2000 Conference, pp. 279–284, Sevilla, Spain, 2000.
3. T. Alsinet and L. Godo. A proof procedure for Possibilistic logic programming with fuzzy constants. In Proc. of ECSQARU'2001, Toulouse (France), Sept. 2001, LNAI 2143, Springer, pp. 760–771.
4. T. Alsinet and L. Godo. Adding similarity-based reasoning capabilities to a Horn fragment of Possbilistic Logic with Fuzzy Constants. Submitted.
5. T. Alsinet, L. Godo, and S. Sandri. On the semantics and automated deduction for PLFC, a logic of possibilistic uncertainty and fuzziness. In Proc. of UAI'99 Conference, pp. 3–12, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999.