1. Gerschenkron, A. (1966) Economic backwardness in economic perspective, in Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective: A Book of Essays, pp. 5–30, Harvard University Press. The essay expands on an idea first stated in 1943 in Gerschenkron, A. (1989) Bread and Democracy in Germany, Cornell University Press. For support of Gerschenkron’s thesis, which emphasizes investment banking, see Treibilcock, C. (1981) The Industrialisation of the Continental Powers, 1780–1914, Longman. For criticism, see Tilly, R. (1989) German industrialisation and Gerschenkronian backwardness, Riv. Storia Econom., 6.2, 139–164.
2. Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative Lives;Sulloway,1996
3. Richard Owen: Victorian Naturalist, chap. 1;Rupke,1994
4. Sulloway, F.J. (1996) Born to Rebel, p. 115, Pantheon.
5. The Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte was founded in 1822. See Thomas, R.H. (1951) Liberalism, Nationalism and the German Intellectuals (1822–1847): An Analysis of the Academic and Scientific Conferences of the Period, W. Heffer.