1. About HHS (2023). Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved 4/11/2023 from https://www.hhs.gov/about/index.html.
2. American Society for Testing and Materials F3159 (2015). Standard Safety Specification for Liquid Laundry Packets. [Standard]. www.astm.org.
3. American Society for Testing and Materials F3159-15e1 (2022). Standard Safety Specification for Liquid Laundry Packets [Standard]. www.astm.org.
4. American Society for Testing and Materials (2015). New ASTM International Standard Will Help Improve Safety of Liquid Detergent Laundry Packets. [Press Release]. https://newsroom.astm.org/new-astm-international-standard-will-help-improve-safety-liquid-detergent-laundry-packets#:∼:text=Today%20ASTM%20International%20announced%20that%20a%20new%20safety,at%20reducing%20risks%20of%20ingestion%2C%20particularly%20by%20children.
5. Brindisi, A. (2019). H.R.4820 - Seeding Rural Resilience Act.