1. Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan UniversityTaipeiTaiwan
2. Department of Bioenvironmental Systems EngineeringNational Taiwan UniversityTaipeiTaiwan
3. Department of Geriatrics and GerontologyNational Taiwan University HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
4. Department of NeurologyNational Taiwan University HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
5. Department of NeurologyEn Chu Kong HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
6. Department of Laboratory MedicineEn Chu Kong HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
7. College of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic UniversityNew Taipei CityTaiwan
8. Department of Laboratory MedicineCardinal Tien HospitalTaipeiTaiwan
9. Department of Public HealthCollege of Public Health, National Taiwan UniversityTaipeiTaiwan
10. Research Center for Genes, Environment and Human HealthCollege of Public Health, National Taiwan UniversityTaipeiTaiwan