1. Danish Dementia Research Centre, Department of NeurologyRigshospitalet, University of CopenhagenCopenhagenDenmark
2. Alzheimer CenterDepartment of NeurologyVU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NeuroscienceAmsterdamthe Netherlands
3. Combinostics Ltd.TampereFinland
4. Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, University of PerugiaPerugiaItaly
5. Department of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineVU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam NeuroscienceAmsterdamthe Netherlands
6. UCL Institutes of Neurology and Healthcare EngineeringLondonUnited Kingdom
7. Medical Research Center, Oulu University HospitalOuluFinland
8. Unit of Clinical Neuroscience, NeurologyUniversity of OuluOuluFinland
9. VTT Technical Research Center of Finland LtdTampereFinland
10. Department of ComputingImperial CollegeLondonUnited Kingdom
11. Institute of Clinical Medicine, Neurology, University of Eastern FinlandKuopioFinland
12. Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsVU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NeuroscienceAmsterdamthe Netherlands