1. O’Neil, M.J.; Heckelman, P.E.; Koch, C.B.; Roman, K.J. The Merck Index 14th ed. 2006 Merck & Co. Whitehouse Station, NJ 1029
2. Institut fur Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfaliversicherung (IFA). GESTIS Substance Database: Methyl Mercaptan. Available from: http://gestis-en.itrust.de/nxt/gateway.dll/gestis_en/000000.xml?f=templates$fn=default.htm$vid=gestiseng:sdbeng$3.0 [accessed 21.01.15].
3. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Hazardous Substance Database (HSDB): Methyl Mercaptan. Available from: http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search2/f?/temp/∼a7PxHe:1 [accessed 21.01.15].
4. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Sampling and Analytical Methods: Methyl Mercaptan. Available from: https://www.osha.gov/dts/sltc/methods/organic/org026/org026.html [accessed 18.01.15].